Yes indeed, crime pays...
You wont believe this...
You really need to read this... the whole thing... Slowly... Twice even...
Understand what it is...
Do not just excuse yourself by saying you don't understand... or that it is too complicated... It isn't... take the time to COMPREHEND IT.
This is of the utmost IMPORTANCE to you... is an incredible tale of outright theft... of sleight of hand... A head fake followed by a jaw crushing uppercut...
I originally (and stupidly) predicted they'd surround the sinking economy with
inner tubes, float it until after the election, and then drown it on
Obama's watch, but no...
They did one better...
They robbed the store and left Obama with NOTHING to work with...
This is the Bush Administration's farewell "Fuck You" to the American taxpayer...
This was a smash and grab of epic proportions...
You really have to stand back and admire that level of criminality...
It is a sight to behold...
My friends, there was no actual "crisis"...
It was completely manipulated and manufactured...
If you read this article carefully you will see that they were having talks about rescinding section 382 of the tax code LAST YEAR... The Republicans have been trying to do away with it for YEARS... and in the September we were all to believe that we were on the verge of a collapse that no one saw coming?
Funny that... because I saw it coming... And I'm an IDIOT.
As I was saying all along...
Just as in 1929, this "collapse" was planned...
These people are very, very intelligent criminals with the "law" on their side... They created a crisis, and then found a way to get YOU to pay for it...
Our elected leaders have sold us down the river...
And in the same breathe they will proudly extoll the virtues of the free market while damning socialism... well, folks, we have socialism... for the bankers, for the ruling class... and you and I, well, we get to play the part of the serfs... the landless peasants... the hungry
proletariat... the perpetual debt-slaves... In comparison, at least the old Soviets were somewhat honest about their
You see, in actual free market
capitalism as it is commonly defined... if the bank goes tits up, they go out of business... whereas in banker's version of free market capitalism, if the bank go tits up, YOU go out of business...
Utterly brilliant...
Privatize the profit, socialize the losses...
But mention universal health care, social security, and free education and you risk being shouted down as communist by some McCain/
Palin bible
thumper with three teeth in their head...
And now, in case your head hasn't already exploded, read this... refuse to divulge where they've "donated" the $2 trillion WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR...
Ladies and gentlemen, we've just been financially RAPED...
It is of the utmost importance that you understand what has just happened here...
They printed $2 trillion dollars out of thin air and threw it like lighter fluid onto the coals of an already inflationary barbecue...
Wait until all that funny money trickles down into the economy...
Say hello to $7 gallon of milk... and $8 gas... and those predictions might be on the LOW END...
And say hello to a forest fire of hyperinflation that they will find a way to pin on Obama...
Say hello to Carter Administration Part II... Say Hello to
Palin 2012...
Yeah... we'll get "Change" alright...
It'll be all that is left in our pockets...
And I say this as one who voted for the man, purely because the alternative was so beyond horrific...
It is going to get much much worse, and it gives me no pleasure to say that...
And meanwhile, the mainstream media will play along... pay no attention... nothing to see here... move along... Hey look, Angelina is
preggers again...
But in truth, Obama is also somewhat responsible (as are the whole lot of them) as he voted FOR the bailout plan, more than likely for political reasons...
I imagine it went down something like this... We'll give you the Oval Office if you play along with the money men... if you don't, well, you can still be a senator from the great state of Illinois...
I'll be amazed if Obama finds his way out of this morass with his wits intact... much less his cranium... because as things get worse economically, they mentally challenged among us are going to pin this on the "nigger, communist, socialist, terrorist"... And egged on by the ravenous right wing kooks on the radio, this non-Mensa candidate will take it upon himself to attempt the heroic deed of ridding the "Real America" of the Obama menace...
People rarely recall how much JFK was hated... that this kind of hate manifests itself in visceral ways...
It is common knowledge that Obama wants to do a New Deal II, a massive public works project... and I support that, if for no other reason than it will keep the great unwashed rabble from attacking each other with pitchforks and torches... I also believe that every young man and woman
should be required do two years of national service... be it military, social welfare, housing, parks and recreation, etc...
Now as how to pay for this?
well now... can't we just print even more money?
Aye, now there's the rub...