In what will unquestionably turn out to be the ultimate game of hot potato, how will the rest of the world continue to prop up the ailing US dollar while simultaneously plotting its destruction?
This was the thousand quingentillion dollar question posed before the G20 as they dined upon fruitwood-smoked quail with quince qastrique, quinoa risotto, thyme-roasted rack of lamb, tomato, fennel and eggplant fondue, served with chanterelle jus (you gotta have dippin' sauce, folks...) in Washington DC over the weekend... (no Food 4 Less fare for these folks...)
You see, because their banks are stuffed with our funny money, the rest of the world can't just liquidate their Federal Reserve notes onto the open market, as that would crash the dollar and cause a global calamity...
And yet, at the same time, the other occupants of the globe are sick and tired of propping up and paying the tab of the mean, thirsty drunk at the end of the bar... (that drunk is the United States, in case there is any confusion)
Trust me, they are looking for ways to 86 us...
So, how is this going to work? Are we heading towards the introduction of a new world reserve currency... or at least a one world standard...? And who gets the final vote on that? Are we about to launch a Bretton Woods II...? (here is a good primer on Bretton Woods I)
Will it be a basket of European, Chinese, Russian, and the Middle Eastern currencies? (you know, people with resources... people who still MAKE things...)
Will we have one bank... to rule the world?
And if so, who takes the ring to Mordor? (sorry, I couldn't resist...)
Because, that is the end game... As all things moneyed continue to swirl down the toilet, the powers that be are likely going to print even more goofy paper... (Instead of freeing up the system, and basing it on something worthy... like say, a GOLD standard...?)
But trust them... they are going to control it this time... they PROMISE... And what what could possibly go wrong?
So here we go again... drain the swamp... devour everyone's savings... reset all calculators to zero... re-launch the ponzi scheme... (Cough cough... ahem, excuse me... What I meant to say was "rescue the global economy"...)
It is going to take one heckuva skilled surgeon to extricate themselves from the cancer we infected them with... they are going to attempt to keep this rotting, festering corpse on life support, and bleed it slowly... remove its organs one by one while keeping it on life support... but in doing that, its fetid stench and decay will continue to infect the purchasing power and earning potential of every man, woman and child on the planet...
The ruling class of United States wants anything but a one world bank, but not for reasons of justice and morality, but of greed... you see, as long as the United States has the world's reserve currency, we get to print as much money as we'd like and the rest of the world has to send us goods and services in return, regardless of its "worth"...
To oversimplify, with the end of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, comes also the end of our ability to steal from the rest of the globe with impunity...
And since our entire lifestyle and economic well-being is based upon this rampant theft... well, I'm sure you can see what a rosy future we all have before us once we can no longer engage in our comfortable life of crime... Better stock up on rice and beans, and guns and ammo... for we are in for one helluva rough patch...
Every American will enjoy increasingly higher prices for consumer goods and services... along with wages that won't go anywhere but down... And pay no attention to the government's inflation and unemployment statistics... for they are as rigged as a 2004 Ohio voting machine...
The ever brilliant Dr. Paul (we have a love/hate thing) discusses the dilemma facing the global economy in further detail and with much more credibility than I'll ever have... watch and learn...
1 comment:
what about this auto bail out.
ford can lick it. scrap the f150 and then i'll buy into the "we'll change our ways despite this lower gas prices" crap.
i wanna see some of these bankers and auto ceo's and board of directors put their homes up for sale.
there's a concept. make the bailout relative to individual annual incomes.
yeah right.
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