Friday, February 20, 2009

Look Up, The Sky Is Falling

Take a gander at the above chart... During the 1982-2007 bull market, the Dow went from 775 to nearly 15,000... Today the Dow closed at 7,365... below the halfway mark of the ENTIRE 25 YEAR RUN...


Think anyone else noticed that HALF the gains accrued in the previous 25 years have been wiped out in a mere nine months?

Think anyone in the mainstream media would mention this fact?

Think anyone out there in the mainstream media is being straight with you regarding how bad things really are?

Think again.

Thanks to Richard Russell

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember dear readers of HARBINGER OF DOOM...the mainstream media is "not" in the business of keeping us informed...they are in the business of selling commercials. They generate revenue from selling commercials - not from delivering insightful information. There is no fairy-godmaother floating around rewarding the media with dollars under their collective pillow for doing a good job of keeping people informed.

If the media paints too gloomy of a picture, people will tune-out...and that means lower ratings which means they have to reduce their commercial rates.

If you want the real probably will have to do a little more work than sitting on your couch eating chips and drinking beer...but then again you already know that - that's why your reading this blog.